Chances are good if you’ve been stamping long that you’ve ended up with the wrong color of ink on an ink pad. Either you had ink on a stamp and laid it on the wrong ink pad, or even worse, maybe you reinked a pad with the wrong color of ink. What do you do when this happens? Let’s talk about it!

Wrong Color Ink
In the photo below, you can see that there is a different color mixed in with the Pool Party ink on the flower and the diagonal background. This showed up after one of my recent classes and I realized that I had some repair work to do to remove the wrong color from the Pool Party pad.
Never fear. This was the perfect chance to share with you what to do when this happens.

I forgot to take a ‘before’ picture of the pad, but if you watch along with the video you can see what it looked like. Speaking of my video, here’s where you can watch to see exactly how I fixed my ink pad.
Video Tutorial
Fix It
Here’s what to do to remove the wrong color of ink from your stamp pad.
1. Soak Up Wrong Color Ink With Paper Towels
This step can take a little while depending on how much of the wrong ink contaminated your pad. Do your best to get as much of the wrong color removed as possible.

2. Reink Pad With Correct Ink Color
Next you just need to reink the pad. After soaking up so much ink with the paper towels, it’s bound to need some fresh juice!

Refresh Your Ink Pads
If you’re not sure how to reink your pad, or if you want some other tips on how to refresh your stamp pads and get them looking like new, then take a look at this post on refreshing your ink pads.

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Hopefully this helps you to remove the wrong color ink from your ink pad next time it happens – which hopefully will be never!
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