Getting organized in my craft area (and life!) has been a process. I’m definitely getting closer to really feeling organized in my new area, and today I want to share some of my recent organization projects with you.

Video Tutorial
Watch along with this video to hear all about my recent projects of organizing my blending brushes, embellishments, card mats and bases, paper scraps, punches, and stamps. Hopefully you’ll find some tips to help you!
Did you hear any tips that will help you? Comment below and let me know!
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I keep a three ring binder for all my stamps. I have dividers labeled “sentiments”, “nature”, “animals”, “Christmas”, “baby”, “birthday” etc. When I get a new stamp I make photocopies of the front of the box or stamp set. I make as many copies as categories they will fill. E.G. if there are sentiments or embellishment type stamps included with the animals, I would make 3 photo copies. I use a three hole punch in the copies and place them behind the dividers where they belong. I number each stamp set and place the corresponding number on the copied page in my binder. Then I line up the stamps by number in a drawer. It is easy for me to flip though the pages of the binder and find the stamps I want and then locate them in my drawer. It may sound complicated but it does not take much time and helps my to locate the stamps when I want to use them. I find this easier than searching the tiny stamps on the spine of the SU box. Plus I have stamps from other distributors who do not use those boxes.
There are so many ways to organize stamps, and it sounds like you’ve found the perfect way that works for you! This is a great idea – thank you for sharing!
Great Tips Anna! I love your videos!
Thank you Vicki!
Here’s how I organize my scraps. I make a file folder for each color, taping the sides with packing tape. Then I put them a Walmart portable plastic file box using hanging file folders. They are sorted by colors alphabetically. Even small scraps can be used.
Sounds like a great system!
I love all your organizing tips. I love how you color coded the trimmer.
I hope you are tracking your ideas. I think you have an ebook or book in your future.
Every day there is something happening and paper crafting is what we are trying to enjoy. Your organizing tips may be a handy-dandy way to help us.
Thank You!
Thanks so much JoAnn!