I have some fantastic tips to share with you today, and they all include creative ways to use punches. Sometimes I feel limited by the sizes and shapes of my punches, but using these tricks, I’m no longer limited. Let me share these tips with you!
5 Creative Ways To Use Punches Video
Watch along here as I share and demonstrate these tips!
Creative Ways To Use Punches
Here are five of my favorite ways to creatively use punches.
1. Use A Post It Note If Paper Is Too Small
Is your paper too small to hold and get it lined up in the punch? No problem. Attach it to a post-it note and you’re good to go!

2. Make a Smaller Punch
Is your punch too big for a greeting stamp? Would you like for it to be smaller? Punch once the normal way, then place the punch back inside and punch it again, but smaller this time.

3. Make A Larger Punch
Is your punch too small for what you’re trying to create? Punch the first time with your paper lifted above the punch on one side (see video for how to do this the easy way). Then repeat with the other end.

4. Create Double Ended Punch
Do you have a decorative punch like the one shown below, and you want the decorative portion to be on both ends of your punch? Use the same process as in #3 above.

5. Punch From The Outside
For this trick, hold your paper on the outside of the punch, and use the shape to trim off the edge of a strip of paper. This one creates some really unique possibilities depending on the shapes of your punches!

Are any of these tricks new to you? Comment and let me know!
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